What can Evergreen Health Insurance Program pay for?
We can pay for your current insurance, or help you find insurance if you are not currently insured. Evergreen can pay for medical insurance premiums for:
Existing COBRA policies in effect before January 1, 2014 and other employer-sponsored coverage.
Group policies
Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD)
Individual insurance for people who do not qualify for insurance in the Health Benefit Exchange
Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs) and some Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans (MA-PDs) offered through private insurance companies
Existing Washington State Health Insurance Pool (WSHIP) policies for people who do not qualify for insurance in the Health Benefit Exchange
Gold and Silver-level Qualified Health Plans in the Health Benefit Exchange.
If you have Medicaid, Evergreen can only pay for Medicare Part D or Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD) policies. The Washington State Department of Health may be able to assist you in meeting your spenddown.
For more information about whether you qualify, please contact or call 206-323-2834.